Need Help Finding Quality Tenants?

Located in Temple, Austin and all over Central Texas

This service is an additional optional service for all management clients. With less than a 1% eviction rate, we work hard to ensure quality tenants are always placed in your home.

However, sometimes things go wrong. When tenants don't pay it is ProManage who has the duty to protect your investment property.

Eviction Shield is added insurance and peace of mind. If your tenant(s) needs to be evicted from lack of payment or other lease violations, eviction shield has you covered.

What Does Eviction Shield Cover?

1. Ensuring all necessary notices are provided to tenants
2. All paperwork and filing in the courts
3. Multiple visits to the property to check occupancy and property status
4. Multiple visits to the court and notarization of all necessary forms
5. All court costs associated with the eviction up to $1000 (court filing fees, constable fees, sheriff fees for writ)
6. Accompanying sheriff to serve any necessary writ of possession